Millen Mountain: Gold prospect near Halifax, Nova Scotia, Canada

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Location & Proximity to Other Projects


  • 80 claims, 1280 hectares, in central Nova Scotia, Canada, near Halifax
  • Highly accessible, power, highway, local workforce all readily available
  • Owned through 50/50 joint venture with Probe Gold Inc.
  • Lies within rock units of the Meguma Group with historical gold production throughout Nova Scotia of over 1.2 million oz
  • Situated among past producing gold mines and one current producer
  • Evidence of historical “vein chasing” excavation throughout property
  • Grab sampling in 2018 returned anomalous gold values to 23.75 g/t
  • Geophysics and limited drilling (1551m, 6 drill holes) finds anomalous gold values and quartz veins typical of Meguma Gold deposits

Joint Venture With Probe

  • Probe Gold Inc. (TSX: “PRB”) earned a 50% interest in Millen Mountain through exploration expenditures
  • Myriad and Probe entered a 50/50 joint venture agreement in 2019
  • Both sides obligated to contribute pro rata to future exploration budgets, or can (eventually) be diluted to an NSR
  • Probe Gold is a highly successful company with several high profile gold projects throughout Canada

Geology & Deposit Style

The Millen Mountain property has a number of attributes that are common in Meguma-style gold deposits including tightly folded meta-sediments, alteration minerals and abundant quartz veining.


Chargeability Resistivity and Ground Magnetic surveys conducted on property by Matrix in 2012 identifying 7 high priority and 13 secondary targets.


Six holes, totaling 1551 meters, and targeting chargeable and resistive anomalies. Anomalous values returned, showing the continued potential for a mineralized system at Millen Mountain.


Specs of gold visible in the core

Numerous vein styles observed in core

Gold Potential Summary

  • Many similar characteristics to Meguma Gold Deposits
  • Very limited drilling to date intercepted anomalous gold
  • One grab sample returned high grade of 23.75 g/t
  • Geophysical work provides great data for future drill targeting
  • Plethora of nearby gold projects and producers
  • For full background / history and more technical detail, see 43-101 report completed 2019