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Crux Investor: Myriad Uranium – Exceeding Expectations at Wyoming’s High-Grade Copper Mountain Project
[Nov 26, 2024]
triANGLE INVESTOR: Potentially one of the largest uranium projects in Wyoming – Myriad Uranium (CSE:M)
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Strategic, efficient, responsible, mineral exploration

Myriad Uranium Investment Highlights

Listed on the CSE: M, OTC: MYRUF, and FRA: C3Q

Transformative transaction: Property option agreement to earn up to 75% of the Copper Mountain Project in Wyoming, USA.

Copper Mountain contains several historic uranium mines and deposits. Data trove includes historic reports estimating historical uranium resources between 15.7M and 30.1M lbs eU3O8, and includes Union Pacific’s mine plans.

Rocky Mountain Energy Corporation (RMEC) estimated the resource potential of 2 of the 5 deposits at Copper Mountain could be as high as 63.8 M lbs. eU3O8.

RMEC had designed and constructed a leach pad but production start was interrupted by a rapid decline in uranium prices in 1980.

Historical reports confirm heap leach amenability.

Our technical team is cautiously optimistic regarding potential for ISR mining.

Increasing US demand and strong bipartisan support for domestic uranium supply.

Top-notch technical team with previous experience at industry leaders Orano, Global Atomic; deep ISR expertise.

68.1m shares outstanding; insiders hold 22.3%; market cap C$29.8m (Jan 22, 2025).




Wyoming, USA


Nova Scotia, Canada

Management Team

There is strong bipartisan support to move away from Russian Nuclear Fuel dependency and ensure U.S. energy security by increasing domestic uranium production.

Did you know that 19% of America’s electricity comes from nuclear power?

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